City of Ulan-Ude - Страница 4
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Information - City of Ulan-Ude

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Dear Friend! The information that follows will introduce you to the brief history of the city. You might be interested to know how a small border settlement has grown into a capital city. The information though fragmentary will surely instigate you to a more thorough study.

The city of Ulan-Ude, the capital of the Republic of

Buryatia (formerly named as Verkhneudinsk) is situated on the banks of two rivers: the Selenga and the Uda. Archaeological finds indicate that first human beings settled here about seven thousand years ago.

As a town it developed from a small Cossacks winter quarters (zimovye) in 1666. The place was called "Zaudinsky

kamushek" and was respected by Buryats, indigenous ethnic people as a holy place.

It is a large scientific, industrial, financial, religious and cultural center. More than three hundred thousand people live here. There are several institutions of higher educational training, national and cultural societies, museums and theatres.

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