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Порядок публикации статей - EN


1. To be published in “Vestnik of Buryat State Academy of Agriculture named after V. Philippov” authors should provide scientific articles, scientific reviews, topical articles and brief reports that were not published earlier. The results of dissertation theses for Candidate or Doctor degrees, that were not published previously, are accepted no later than within two years after a thesis defense. Authors of the articles are responsible for certainty of the provided data and observation of copyrights of other authors.

2. For an electronic submission (vestnik_bgsha@bgsha.ru) authors send the following files:

  • The full text of the manuscript written according to the requirements of the Editorial Board (Article Requirements);
  • A letter of an organization that supported the research and an expert report concerning publication of an article in public media (Supporting letter (an example) ;An Expert report (an example));
  • Information about an author/ authors both in Russian and English;
  • Consent to personal data processing (Consent to PDP );
  • Certificate proved an author’s being a full-time post-graduate student.

3. An author (a co-author) can publish only one article in a current issue of “Vestnik of Buryat State Academy of Agriculture named after V. Philippov”, in exceptional cases they can publish one additional article as a co-author.    

4. All the sent articles are checked via the “Antiplagiat” system. Volume of borrowed non-original text should not be higher than 25%, the amount of self-reference is no more 20%.

5. When a manuscript is taken for reviewing, it is registered in a registration book where a date of submission, author’s/ authors’ full name(s), a title of an article and results of the “Antiplagiat” system are pointed. A manuscript is given a sequential registration number that is sent to an author within two days after submission of an article.

6. A manuscript is further sent for a single-blind peer review.

7. An expert studies an article during 2-4 weeks and then provides a conclusion. If an article is approved for publishing it is included in the closest issue of the Journal. The decision is reported to an author.

If an expert advises the manuscript to be published after some improvement, a copy of conclusion is sent to an author to comply with remarks. Authors have the right to clarify their opinion if they do not agree with an expert’s remarks. If an expert does not advise to publish a manuscript, the conclusion is sent to authors. The editorial board does not re-review a dismissed article.  

8. The Editorial Board of the Journal appeals to everyone to follow regulations and standards of the ethics of scientific publications and not to break them.

9. Reviews are kept for 5 years. The Editorial Board sends copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in response to its request.

10. Publication of articles is administered on a fee-paying basis. The cost of publishing of 1 page is 250 rubles. An author is sent an agreement specifying an issue of the Journal where an article will be published and price to be paid. If an organization pays for an article, the Editorial Board should be informed beforehand and the following information should be sent – invoice details of an organization, full name of the Head and an organization’s registered office.

11. Articles of full-time post-graduate students are published on a free basis, if their status is proved by a certificate and if they are the only authors. If co-authors of full-time post-graduate students have academic titles and scientific degrees, it is they, who will pay for an article. Authors get one personal copy of the Journal. If authors want to order additional copies of the Journal, they should let the editorial Board know beforehand. Additionalcopiesarepaidseparately.

12. Online version of the Journal is placed in the “Issues” section on the date of the Journal publishing and on the website of the Scientific Electronic Library (elibrary.ru) within two weeks after its publishing.

13. The Editorial Board has the right to retract a published article due to following reasons: plagiarism; duplication of the article in several journals; self-plagiarism with a large amount of results of researches and text published in other journals; presence in an article of serious mistakes that can bring into questions the scientific value of an article; an incorrect team of authors (absence of people who are worth being authors and presence of people who do not meet criteria of being authors); concealing of the conflict of interest. Retraction of an article is initiated by the Editorial Board or by official proceedings of an author or authors or other applicants to the Editorial Board with an application enumerated the number and nature of violations. During the retraction of article the Editorial Board follow the Rules of articles retraction (https://rassep.ru/sovet-po-etike/retraktsiya/).