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Порядок рецензирования - English version


The Procedure of Reviewing of Manuscripts Submitted for Publication in the "Vestnik of the Buryat state Academy of Agriculturenamed after V.R. Philippov"

1. An author of a scientific paper should provide a letter of permission from an organization where the research was conducted. The letter should contain a recommendation for publication of the manuscript in the journal.

2. The manuscript provided by the author is given for peer-reviewing by members of the editorial board who are responsible for the corresponding subject area, or by experts – scientists and specialists in the given area (Candidate or Doctor of Sciences).

3. Reviewers are informed that manuscripts are in copyright and qualified as confidential information. Reviewers are not allowed to copy manuscripts to use them for their own purposes.

4. Reviewing is carried out confidentially for authors of manuscripts and its result is available for an author upon his/her written request, unsigned and without indicating the reviewer's name, positon and place of work. A review containing a name of its author can be provided upon request of the expert boards to be sent to the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

5. A breach of confidentiality is possible only in case of a reviewer's claim that information given in a manuscript is not reliable or falsified.

6. A reviewer has a right to ask an author to augment and to improve his/her manuscript. Upon receiving the refined paper the editors of the journal send it for a second revision to the same reviewer.

7. In case of an author's disagreement with a reviewer's opinion, the manu-script, upon consultation with the editorial board, can be given for additional reviewing to another expert.

8. A decision to publish a manuscript is taken by the chief editor (deputy chief editor) after reviewing, and if necessary – by the editorial board entirely.

9. The editors' office informs an author, upon his/her request, about the decision taken. A letter of reasoned refusal is sent to an author whose manuscript was rejected.

10. The editors' office does not keep and does not return submitted manuscripts. Manuscripts received a negative review and not recommended for publication are also not sent back to the author.