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Журнал "Вестник" - EN


Buryat State Academy of Agriculture has been publishing the academic journal “Vestnik of Buryat State Academy of Agriculture named after V. Philippov” since 2002.

The main direction of the journal is the publication of the results of scientific and applied researches, different points of view on scientific problems, and analysis of future prospects. On the pages of the journal, readers will be able to meet leading research scientists of the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the teaching staff of higher educational institutions, heads and specialists of enterprises and organizations, and representatives of state authorities.

The journal is included:

ü  in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications recommended by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for publication of the main scientific results of dissertations theses for the Candidates of Sciences and Doctors of Sciences degrees in the following scientific fields:



  •          General farming, crop production (biological and agricultural sciences) from 01/02/2022
  •          Agrophysics (biological and agricultural sciences)
  •          Breeding and seed production of agricultural plants (biological and agricultural sciences)
  •          Plant protection (biological and agricultural sciences)
  •          Fruit growing and vine growing (biological and agricultural sciences)


  •          Diagnosis of diseases and therapy of animals, pathology, oncology and morphology of animals (biological and veterinary sciences)
  •          Infectious diseases and animal immunology (biological and veterinary sciences) from 01/02/2022
  •          Veterinary pharmacology with toxicology (biological and veterinary sciences)
  •          Breeding, selection and genetics of agricultural animals (biological and agricultural sciences)
  •          Feed production, feeding of agricultural animals and feed technology (biological and
  •          agricultural sciences)
  •          Small animals science, technology of livestock production (biological and agricultural sciences)


  •          Silviculture, forestry, forest management and forest inventory (biological and agricultural sciences)
  •         Agroforestry, protective afforestation and landscaping of settlements, forest fires and their fight (biological and agricultural sciences)

ü  in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) with the full-text versions placement on the websites of Buryat State Academy of Agriculture and Scientific Electronic Library (eLIBRARY.RU).

The journal is registered in the Bureau of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media, Registration Certificate is ПИ № ТУ03-00039 of January 29, 2009.